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The World Map of Cantonese Programs


Where are Cantonese language programs located?

· Stanford,CCSF,CantoCulture,Campaign

Save Cantonese presents...
The World Map of Cantonese Programs

More than 80 million people around the world speak Cantonese. Waves of immigration brought early Chinese emigrants from Canton (Guangdong) to communities in Southeast Asia, North and South America, Europe, as well as the Caribbean. Generations later, Cantonese people across the globe continue to thrive – sharing their language with local diasporic communities. However, many Cantonese learners still struggle to learn the language, in part because educational institutions that offer formal Cantonese classes are difficult to find. We are eager to see this vibrant language shared in programs for youth and adult learners around the world.

About the Map

Many Cantonese learners still struggle to learn the language, in part because educational institutions that offer Cantonese classes are difficult to find. This map and database are a response to this critical need! Find a Cantonese program near you, and enroll today!

The first national category of our World Map of Cantonese Programs is the United States—one of the most popular destinations for work, study, travel, and immigration from Asia in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Today, many institutions offer an array of Cantonese language courses from classrooms in California to New York. We invite you to explore and enroll in Cantonese programs in your state or city.

Unable to find a classroom near you? Some programs offer online course options. Visit their website and reach out to them about virtual learning opportunities!

Click here to visit the map.





世界各地嘅粵語學習者經常都喺尋找呢種語言學習途徑上遇到困難。 尋找一個合適自己地區嘅課程係一件好困難嘅事。 所以,我哋為您呈現「粵語課程世界地圖」!尋找在你附近嘅粵語學校,儘快報名參加。


