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(5/9) Press Release: Chinese bilingual teachers in SFUSD speak out

· Campaign,K12

Chinese bilingual teachers in San Francisco Unified School District Press Statement on their exclusion from the Consolidation process and non-recognition of their Chinese bilingual credential

For Immediate Release

San Francisco, California / May 9, 2022

What happened?

SFUSD Chinese bilingual teachers were excluded from the layoff/consolidation process. They did not receive any information from the San Francisco Unified School District’s HR Department regarding the consolidation. SF Unified’s HR Department didn’t recognize the Chinese bilingual skills and credentials of these teachers in consolidation, interview, and role selection. Instead of acknowledging their mistake, the District emailed the Chinese bilingual teachers instructions for the consolidation interview (providing an updated resume, preparing a 15-minute pitch), on the day of the interview event during instructional hours. This was less than 12 hours prior to their consolidation interviews! To further cover their mistake, the District (HR) simply assigned the Cantonese Bilingual teachers to an interview at a specific general education site with no other alternative choices. 

What are the impacts?

The Chinese bilingual consolidation candidates were not given a fair opportunity to apply and interview for the open positions as they were not given sufficient notice prior to the consolidation event like the other consolidated staff in the General Education pathway. Furthermore, if Chinese bilingual teachers were randomly placed into General Education positions, there will be no Chinese bilingual teachers to fill Chinese Bilingual positions as they open up later in the process. 

Why does it matter to you?

The District has made repeated administrative errors and negligence, the problematic Empower System and delay/mistakes in our pay, just to name a few, which has directly affected the livelihood of all of us. The District continues to neglect and disrespect our teachers' rights.  We demand accountability and immediate corrective actions on a systemic level. 

What can we do?

There will be a press conference on May 10, 2022 from 4:30-5pm at 555 Franklin. Please save the date and time. Affected teachers will be there to tell their story and answer any questions.  

We sent a letter to HR on April 27, 2022.  Please read for more details about our demands. 

Contact Information

Chinese Bilingual Teachers in San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD)

Press Contact: Daisy Chan / Email: meiyinlo@yahoo.comom

Save Cantonese

Press Contact: Policy Coordinator Shawn Lee / Email:


[粵語 Cantonese]



加利福尼亞州三藩市 2022 年 5 月 9


中文雙語教師(後稱 CB)被排除喺裁員/合併過程之外。佢哋無收到三藩市聯合學區人力資源部關於合併嘅任何消息。三藩市統一嘅人事部喺合併、面試同角色選擇等環節都唔認可呢班教師嘅中文雙語能力同資歷。學區 (HR) 唔單止無承認佢哋嘅錯誤,而且喺面試當日嘅教學時間裏電郵合併面試説明畀中文雙語教師(提供更新嘅履歷表同準備 15 分鐘嘅演講)。距離佢哋嘅合併面試唔到 12 小時!為咗進一步彌補佢哋嘅錯誤,學區 (HR) 只係將 CB 教師分配到特定嘅GE 場地進行面試,無其他選擇畀佢哋。 




學區一再出現行政錯誤同疏忽,有問題嘅授權體制同我哋薪酬嘅延遲/錯誤,僅舉幾個例子,就直接影響咗我哋所有人嘅生計。 學區一直忽視同唔尊重我哋教師嘅權益。 我哋要求問責,並喺系統層面上立即採取糾正措施。 


喺 2022 年 5 月 10 日4:30pm 至 5pm 喺 555 Franklin 舉行新聞發佈會。 請預留時間出席。 受影響嘅教師將喺度講述佢哋嘅故事同回答任何問題。 

我哋已喺 2022年4月27日致函人力資源部。 請閱讀更多有關我哋要求嘅詳細資訊。 


三藩市聯合校區嘅中文雙語教師 / 第一新聞聯絡人:Daisy Chan / 電子郵件

Save Cantonese / 第二新聞聯絡人: Shawn Lee 政策統籌員 / 電子郵件



[華語 Mandarin]



加利福尼亞州三藩市 2022 年 5 月 9 日 


中文雙語教師(後稱 CB)被排除在裁員/合併過程之外。他們沒有收到三藩市聯合學區人力資源部關於合併的任何消息。三藩市統一的人事部在合併、面試和角色選擇等環節都不認可這些教師的中文雙語能力和資歷。學區 (HR) 不單沒有承認他們的錯誤,而是在面試當天的教學時間內電郵合併面試說明給中文雙語教師(提供更新的履歷表和準備 15 分鐘的演講)。這距離他們的合併面試不到 12 小時!為了進一步彌補他們的錯誤,學區 (HR) 只是將 CB 教師分配到特定的 GE 場地進行面試,沒有其他選擇給他們。 




學區一再出現行政錯誤和疏忽,有問題的授權體制和我們薪酬的延遲/錯誤,僅舉幾個例子,就直接影響了我們所有人的生計。 學區一直忽視和不尊重我們教師的權益。 我們要求問責,並在系統層面上立即採取糾正措施。 


在 2022 年 5 月 10 日 4:30pm 至 5pm 在 555 Franklin 舉行新聞發佈會。 請預留時間出席。 受影響的教師將在此講述他們的故事並回答任何問題。 

我們已於2022年4月27日致函人力資源部。 請閱讀更多有關我們要求的詳細資訊。 


三藩市联合校區的中文雙語教師 / 第一新聞聯絡人: Daisy Chan / 電子郵件:

Save Cantonese / 第二新聞聯絡人: Shawn Lee 政策統籌員 / 電子郵件: