For millennia, Chinese communities have celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival as a way to give thanks for the harvest and gather with family. It is also a time to work toward a better tomorrow, whatever difficulties there may be today.
In honor of this ancient tradition, we would like to express our gratitude to our extended Save Cantonese family—to people all around the world who are working to Save Cantonese in their local communities.
To those of you who have dedicated your time, labor, and tears toward the cause of preserving Cantonese language and culture: THANK YOU. You sow the seeds so that future generations may benefit. Thank you for showing up, for speaking up, and for putting your passion toward our important cause. Your work will not be forgotten.
We know that this hard work can sometimes come at great personal cost. Though our circumstances may differ, you are not alone in your efforts. We see you, and we are with you in spirit. And we will do our best to carry this torch forward.
Thank you for being on Team Cantonese.
“May we live long and share the beauty of the moon together, even if we are hundreds of miles apart.” 但願人長久 千里共嬋娟 - Su Shi (蘇軾)

自古以來,為感恩豐收,家庭團聚, 中華民族慶祝中秋節。此時也是展望美好未來的機會,不畏艱辛抱有信心。
此時也是展望美好未來的機會,不畏艱辛抱有信心。 為紀念中華民族世代相沿的傳統,我們要向所有守護粵語的人表示感謝,同時向全球為守護粵語而努力的人們致以敬意。感謝你們為守護粵語奉獻時間、心血、和淚水。你們所做的事業不會被遺忘。 我們知道這項艱苦的工作有時會捨己爲人。雖然我們的處境各不相同,但我們同舟共濟,竭盡全力將此炬傳承下去。
「但願人長久,千里共嬋娟」- 蘇軾

中華民族慶祝中秋節。同時候,呢個亦都係展望美好未來嘅機會,不畏艱辛抱有信心。 為延續中華民族世代相沿嘅傳統,我哋想同所有守護廣東話嘅人表示感謝,並且同呢班為廣東話而努力嘅人致以敬意。感謝你哋為呢個理念奉獻時間、心血、同埋淚水。你哋所做嘅事不會被遺忘。我哋知道呢項艱苦嘅工作有時會捨己爲人。雖然我哋嘅處境各不相同,但我哋同舟共濟,竭盡全力將呢個火炬傳承下去。
「但願人長久,千里共嬋娟」- 蘇軾