• Many Cantonese learners still struggle to learn the language, in part because educational institutions that offer Cantonese classes are difficult to find. This map and database are a response to this critical need. Find a Cantonese program near you, and enroll today! To find a program, consult the map and data table below it. You can filter by audience and zoom in to find a program near you. Contact the school directly for times and availability.


    世界各地嘅粵語學習者經常都喺尋找呢種語言學習途徑上遇到困難。 尋找一個合適自己地區嘅課程係一件好困難嘅事。 所以,我哋為您呈現「粵語課程世界地圖」!尋找在你附近嘅粵語學校,儘快報名參加。粵語課程世界地圖若想要搜尋最適合你的粵語課程,歡迎瀏覽「粵語課程世界地圖」及其相關的數據表。 你還可以按照課程的等級,搜尋距離你最近的粵語課程,課程包括:K-12(幼稚園、小學和中學)、專上及高等教育、成人進修課程等等。假如你對其中任一粵語課程感興趣,請直接聯絡該校了解上課時間及相關細節。

    Help us Complete, Expand or Fix the Map

    Notice any programs missing from our database? Are there errors we should know about? Tell us about it here. If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering to expand the World Map of Cantonese Program, please email us at team@savecantonese.org 



    本組織的課程數據庫若有任何錯誤或疏漏之處,均可點選這裏來通知我們的團隊!若你或身邊的親友有意加入「粵語課程世界地圖」,一起努力讓其為更多的學生服務,歡迎電郵至 team@savecantonese.org 成為義工。