• Cantonese Expansion at UC Berkeley

    Be a part of the Cantonese expansion at UC Berkeley!
    Donate directly to support UC Berkeley's Cantonese program at https://give.berkeley.edu/fund/FN7754000


    broken image
    The above one-pager is provided by the Director of Development for the Division of Arts & Humanities at the University of California, Berkeley.
  • Cantonese at UC Berkeley

    Save Cantonese is in an active collaboration with UC Berkeley to turn the university into a center of academic and cultural study of Cantonese. UC Berkeley has the premier East Asian language study center in North America. Cantonese is a fledgling program within the language center, and needs support to reach the status of its peer languages. Our eventual vision is to support not just Cantonese, but also Taiwanese and other growing language programs. Will you be the one to help Cantonese grow its wings and fly?

    Support the Campaign

    Donate to the Cantonese expansion at UC Berkeley! Our immediate goal is to create a second Cantonese lecturer position, which will extend the existing one-year program to a three-year program. Our long-term goal is to grow the program to benefit Cantonese diasporas locally and globally. Cantonese is the most widely spoken non-English language in the Bay Area, and Berkeley is one of the few universities here that offers Cantonese. Berkeley's Cantonese classes consistently reach and exceed course capacity. so we need your help to expand the program! Visit https://give.berkeley.edu/fund/FN7754000 to support the program.


    For more information please reach out by email at team@savecantonese.org


    Read more about the campaign: (English) (粵語)
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